30 min run and stretching out the kinks.
Monday, November 30, 2009
I have not worked out since Tuesday before the holiday but jumped right back in once I returned to my normal schedule.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
2 days in a row
So I made it to the Y two days in a row. It was a resistance training day. I focused on my abs with lots of crunches and then did (10) 15 second planks for my core and upper body. I followed this with circuit weight training for the arms and 5 minutes on the treadmill at 5mph. All in all a good workout.

I think the planks which are the simplest exercise will create the most discomfort for me tomorrow.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Monday, November 23rd.
Today I ran out my frustrations. I did another 30 minute treadmill run. This time I varied the speed. I did the first mile at 4.5 mph then raised it to 4.7 mph. The last 2 minutes I did at 5 mph. It all felt pretty darn good.
This weekend I didn't get an official workout in but I did do a lot of activities that did not involve sitting. Including a very long grocery shopping trip while holding my 15lbs baby in a sling and trying to teach my daughter to jump rope.
1/2 Marathon math.
If the distance is 13.1 miles and I run it at 4.5 mph it will take me 2.9 hours.....
If I run at 5 mph it will take 2.62 hours....
And if I can run at 5.5 mph it will take 2,3 hours....
I obviously need to run faster than I have been but not sure what pace I will decide. If I am running with my Dad he and I will have to decide together. And I think he runs much faster than I do.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Ta Da Ta!
Although I missed working out 3 days in a row I did meet goal one of my immediate goals. I ran continuously for 30 mins at 4.5 mph. YAY!!! It felt pretty darn good too.
Goal #2 is 30 mins at 5 mph.
I talked to a marathon runner today at the Y. She reminded me of a few things that I need to do while I am training.
1. Don't always run on the treadmill. Outside running and track running is different so you need to get both types of running in.
2. Cross-train. Put variety in your workout - resistance training is important . And mix up the cardio. BIke ride once in awhile or swim so your muscles get a mix of work.
3. Try a 5K or 10K prior to the race so you are accustom to running in a group and determine your real pace. You will run differently in a group than alone. So I think I am going to do the Snow Shuffle 5k
Well that's all for now. More updates on my work out tomorrow I hope
Thursday, November 19, 2009
I'm still here!
I bet you thought I disappeared didn't you? Well work has gotten in the way. I have had to work through lunch to get a project out the door and today I am playing catch up. Then have had obligations in the evenings... But I think I can run afterwork at the local hockey arena tonight then work out tomorrow and I will hopefully be able to meet my goals for the week.
Monday, November 16, 2009
A new day a new start
I made it to the Y over lunch and I did pretty good.
I ran 20 minutes at 4.5 mph then stopped to stretch and catch my breath. It wasn't that I was out of breath but had a side crap that I attribute to a lack of lung capacity. The first 5 mins of the run I thought I wasn't going to make it but I pushed through and minutes 6- 18 felt great.
After I stretched I decided to get back on the treadmill and run at 5 mph as long as I could. Kinda disappointed cause I only made it 3 mins before my side hurt and I couldn't breath real well.
I tried though and there is always tomorrow.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
So I didn't get a workout in since Wednesday.
Thursday I was too tired and then this weekend was devoted to participating in our friends' wedding in Cedar Rapids. So although I really intended to get a workout in there was no time.
I am beginning to wonder if this blog has become a location for excuses rather than a blog showing my progress.
Tomorrow is a new day and a new start. I WILL go for a run and there WILL be a post about what I accomplish.
My goal for next week is a minimum of 3 days of running and one day of lifting.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Having an Infant.....
So having a 7 week old does not help in the training process. Today I took the day off from exercise since Henry only let me sleep about 20 minutes at a time last night. I decide that I shouldn't push it. I will get a workout in this weekend though. I have too!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
November 11
I ran 20 mins at 4.5 mph today. Tomorrow I will try to go longer or faster but today I was just too tired.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Short workout
Today I had a short workout due to other obligations. But since it was a lifting day I still got a good workout in. I lifted arms - 3 sets of 10 for each exercise. I can feel the burn in the back of my arms. Then I hopped on the treadmill for 5 minutes. I figure even on lifting days I should do some running so that I can keep progressing in my running ability.
I am also trying to take 20-30 minutes before bed each night for stretching, push-ups, and crunches. My lunch hour just isn't long enough to get everything in that needs to be done. So as long as the kids cooperate I will use the time for ab work and additional stretching.
Monday, November 9, 2009
November 9
My immediate training goals are:
Step One: run 30 mins continuous.
Step Two: run 30 mins at 5 mph
Step three: run a 5K (on my own not necessarily a race)
Today I did pretty good. I ran 20 minutes at 4.5 miles per hour. I may have been able to make it to 30 minutes today but I started getting a pretty good side stitch so I decided I should stop. Plus I am pretty impressed with my 20 minutes since last week I was dying after 5.
And one of the biggest things to remember is I have 32 weeks until the race so I don't need to push myself too hard. I want to avoid injury.
Friday, November 6, 2009
November 6
Today I awoke stressed, exhausted, overwhelmed, flustered, and on the verge of crying. Between work, lack of sleep, feeling like I never accomplish anything, and feeling as if there is not enough of me to go around I just wanted to stay in bed and hope tomorrow would be better.
But Henry needed to eat, clients were waiting for drawings, and a million other things were calling my name. I knew I had a long day ahead of me but I got out of bed.
Then noon came. I debated taking a nap but instead mustered up the energy and went to the Y. I started feeling less stressed the moment I got there. So I ran out all of my exhaustion, frustration, and stress. I ran for the longest continuous amount of time yet and feel 100% better. It always surprises me that exerting more energy can make me less tired.
• Ran 1 mile - 13.5 mins (walked the first minute but ran the rest continuously)
• Stretched, planks, a few other yoga stances
• Then I felt so great I hopped back on the treadmill and ran for 6 more minutes. And I bet I could have gone longer if my lunch hour wasn't nearing an end.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Work is getting in the way
So I started training Monday, worked out on Tuesday, then work got in the way... Yesterday it was a meeting and today was the day from...
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Day one and two
Yesterday I started training. Since my son was born I have only been back to working out consistently for a week and 1/2. Right now my only work out time is lunch time when I work so I had to wait until I was back full time to get a good work out. Once Henry sleeps a little more and eats a little less I plan to make working out more of a priority after work and on the weekends. I am going to have to if I want to make my 1/2 marathon goal. After my last two work outs I am sure of this.
Day one: Monday, November 2nd
The Y was actually full so I had to start on the elliptical. 6 minutes later a treadmill was open. I ran 2 walked 2 for a total of 30 mins. I just barely got two miles in. Then I STRETCHED. My muscles are very tight so stretching is going to be imperative.
Day Two: Tuesday, November 3rd
Tuesdays and Thursdays are normally my lifting days but I got the H1N1 shot on Monday which made my arm pretty sore so I opted for cardio, stretching, and just a little arm work. Therefor I did 10 mins on the treadmill. Ran 4 walked 2 ran 4. Then stretched and did some planks. Then I did 10 more minutes on the treadmill. I planned to run 5 walk 2 run 3. I got through the 5 minutes of running and had such a side stitch that I only could walk the last 5. Then more stretching and planks.
This is going to be a long journey. Lung capacity is an issue. Its gonna happen though I just have to keep my focus.
Monday, November 2, 2009
A long journey
I am not a runner.
When I was in school I was one of the kids that huffed and puffed through the mile. Sprinting was always okay and when it came time to sports I was more than willing to run. I felt like my running needed a purpose so distance running never interested me.
But now I realize that running is phenomenal exercise and a great release. It means time just for me. So I am now starting my journey to be a distance runner.
Here is where I am starting from:
I played soccer most of my childhood. Then when I started college I tried to stay active but I was just far to busy with school. Then I became more and more sedentary. I got a job that I love but I sit a lot. Finally after having my first child I decided I needed to do something for me and became an exercising fool. Most days at lunch I would go to the local YWCA and work out. I biked, swam, lifted, did the elliptical and more. I rarely ran though. I felt I lacked the lung capacity and didn't see the appeal.
About a year ago I changed my mind. I started running and finding it a great workout and a time to clear my mind. Then I found out I was pregnant again and running went out the window. But now my son is 6 weeks old and I am back to running.
Now this leads to my goal and this blog. I am going to run a 1/2 marathon in June. Which means I have 7 1/2 months to train. I have a long way to go too. So this blog is to help motivate me and hold me accountable to meet my goal
This goal is for multiple reasons...
1. I am going to be 30 in May. This is my "to accomplish before I'm 30 task" although it won't exactly happen prior to 30.
2. I want to not only lose my baby weight but get into the best shape of my life.
3. My exercise is lacking and need a goal to train for.
So here goes the training.
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