Monday, November 16, 2009

A new day a new start

I made it to the Y over lunch and I did pretty good.

I ran 20 minutes at 4.5 mph then stopped to stretch and catch my breath. It wasn't that I was out of breath but had a side crap that I attribute to a lack of lung capacity. The first 5 mins of the run I thought I wasn't going to make it but I pushed through and minutes 6- 18 felt great.

After I stretched I decided to get back on the treadmill and run at 5 mph as long as I could. Kinda disappointed cause I only made it 3 mins before my side hurt and I couldn't breath real well.

I tried though and there is always tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Exactly what is a side crap and are you telling us something we did not know about you? lol
