Last night I was super excited to go and pick up my race packet. While I was still a little apprehensive about my ability to run 8 miles I was ready. I arrived at the designated location to find out that the race has been postponed until August 28th. Grrrr....
Well since I was already in the mind set to run I decided to make my own route. So last night I mapped it out and this morning I ran first thing. I did 8.12 miles in about 110 minutes. A little slow and I wish I could have had some sort of record of my pace per each mile. I averaged 13 minute miles but I know that I started out much stronger than that. By the end my body didn't like me so I walked a majority of miles 6 and 7. But I pushed through and ran the 8th mile.
** Correction I realized that I actually ran the 8 miles in 100 minutes which is an average of 12 minute miles.

A little sore now. I have been trying to stretch and keep moving so I am not hurting too much tomorrow. I even walked about a mile while at a neighborhood wide garage sale. So that makes over 9 miles today.
Proud of you for going out and doing it even without the race factor. Maybe you will live to be as old as your Great-Great Grandma Flannery? Wish I had started taking care of myself with exercise as young as you, but.... Love your attitude!