Thursday, February 17, 2011

Did you think I gave up?

I didn't.

Things have just been a little busy and I have not had time to blog about my training. But I have been working out. Just not as well as I have in the past. This week I was able to run outside two times. And it was awesome! I also have gone to my crossfit class, run on the treadmill, and used the elliptical.

The best news is its Thursday and I have already run my 6 miles. I did 3.62 yesterday and 3.1 today. Today was a great run cause I ran with my husband and after we gave up on trying to avoid the puddles we splashed through them like carefree little kids.

Monday, February 7, 2011

My Plate

Have you heard of the website Daily Plate? Its a free site that you can log your meals and exercise. When you sign on you answer a few questions and the site gives you an estimate on what your daily calorie count should be. Then you log your meals and your activity to determine your net daily calories. The site gives you a lot of information that breaks down your meals for nutritional content. I find the site helpful in showing me what my food choices do for me. Like should I really have that 2nd mt. dew? Or wow a pickle only has 5 calories. It's made me think before I eat. I even have avoided the candy dish. Did you know that 2 starburst have 40 calories?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Work, Weather, and Chaos

Once again mother nature is against me. And so is work.

I did take a break and walk just over two miles at a 4mph.

Something is better than nothing.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

When Life gives you lemons

You shovel snow.

Today I was determined to work out. Well the weather didn't agree. Yesterday it was meetings today it was mother nature. Due to pending weather everything was shut down. The Y was closed at lunch so my husband and I decided to have a lunch date. Which I needed just as much as a workout.

Then I found out my evening meeting was canceled so I thought I would go to Young Arena to run. It closed at 5.

So I decided to beat my husband home and shovel. I shoveled for an hour. I know that we will have to shovel again because we are in the middle of a blizzard but at least it will make it easier when we shovel later. And I supposedly burned 381 calories.