Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Need Help

I am feeling a little nervous about my running. I really was confident until I got hurt. Now I am really scared that I am not going to be able to complete my races. So I am looking for some motivating comments. (Thanks for yours Liz). I need to be in the correct mental state and I can't seem to get past the negative. So I am being needy. HELP ME!


  1. Jamie - just re-read your very first post on here. Look at the goals you set out to achieve then, and think about where you have come over the past several've met them! I think you can most definitely consider yourself a runner now. I am confident that you can run and finish your may have to walk at times and run a slower pace than you had hoped for due to your previous injuries, but is that so bad? Think about all of the accomplishments you have made as a runner and all of the new things you have learned about yourself during this journey. You are an inspiration to your family :) Keep up the awesome work!

  2. SM,
    Dad and I talked about this at breakfast. He said to let you know that he has those up and down days about his running, as well. He said that when you run with the crowd you will somehow find the push that you need to make it to the finish. He also said that you don't have to run the full distance before in order to reach the finish line. If you have to walk a little, do it. Right now it is about being a finisher, not being the absolute first to cross the finish line.
    Also thought I would mention that I am doing the Lazy Man's Triathlon through the Y. You inspired me!

  3. Hellow Sweetie, Dad here! Been having one of those weeks myself and wondering how it is going to go. Fortunately mine have not been injury issues, rather time issues. I was suppose to do 18 miles on Monday, but had something pop up that took most of my day so did not even get a short run in. Did get a little over 10 in on Tuesday, but then schedule at work kept me at my desk on both Wednesday and Thursday, and tomorrow is even going to be busier. Hope to get some time in this weekend, but the weather is supppose to be really ugly, cold, rainy and windy. Not my favorite weather for long runs. Just keep the positive attitude. We have always said our goal is to finish the run, with no time for a goal. I am sure we can do that together. Even if we have to walk a little, we will still get across the finish line. See you in a few weeks for our first long run.

    Love Dad!
