Monday, February 1, 2010


I am frustrated with myself, with the Y, and with my schedule.

About two weeks ago my husband told me that he didn't think I could do the 1/2 marathon. It was during a simple conversation about a several different things. He wasn't trying to be mean our doubtful he's just concerned that with our schedules and two young kids I won't be able to get all my training in. At first this made me work harder but after the last few days I realize that he may be right. At least this week. I didn't get my run in on Sunday. Then today I thought I could get it done today instead of my stretching and strengthening. Well that didn't happen either because I had to get my new Y pass and it took so long that I couldn't get much of a workout in and make it back to work at a decent time. I did get a 2 mile run.

I should look at the positives though. I am stubborn. If someone thinks I can't; I will. And as for the run today... at least I got to the Y instead of just skipping. Tomorrow is another day.

1 comment:

  1. Normally I let Dad respond to this blog, but I want to tell you that I know a 56 year old woman who has decided to make a change in her exercise routine, or maybe finally get one. After many years of not even making excuses, the time is now. It took several months to get the membership bugs worked out, but now she does water exercise Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Tonight she even stayed up way past bedtime so that she could finish a quilt just so she would not have an excuse in the morning. Guess who one of her inspirations is? YOU! And, I know some stubborn people who would agree that you are one of those who might even be more stubborn than them. You rock! Just do what you can and be as positive about it as you can. You inspire me!
