Thursday, July 29, 2010


My husband and I ran over lunch today. We are doing a 5K for our anniversary in a few weeks so we thought we better run. It was a pretty warm run but we did it in 34 minutes 6 seconds. Not bad since my husband isn't really a runner... Not yet at least.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I'm back....

I didn't give up I took a break. No excuses here I just took a break. But I am trying to get back into it. I ran at the arena (two miles) on Monday and today I did 30 minutes on the elliptical. I spent the day at the waterpark yesterday. Is that a workout?

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Hot and Humid

It is summer. It is hot.

I decided running outside is not a good idea. So I ran on the treadmill. But since I don't like the treadmill I mixed things up a little and I really worked up a sweat.

I ran 6.5 mph for 1/2 a mile. Then I did 5 minutes of ab work. Then 1/2 a mile at 7 mph. 5 more minutes of abs. Another 1/2 mile at 7 mph. More ab work and stretching and I was done.

Monday, July 12, 2010

My socks made my decision...

Or lack there of. I got to the Y and couldn't decide if I should run or do something else. My muscle pull has been acting up lately (Therefor I only ran 2 miles on Saturday instead of 4-5 like I wanted) so I didn't know if I should run. Well when I started getting ready I realized I packed everything but socks. So no running for me. I did 20 minutes of intense exercise on the elliptical then stretched and did a lot of ab work. Traditional sit ups are hard. But hopefully they will pay off.

Also did you notice that I have updated my header with the number of miles I have left this year.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

got the blood flowing

I hemmed and hawed and finally decided that yes I should work out over lunch. I have had a headache for a few days now and couldn't decided if I should or even wanted to. I decided if I did an easy work out it would be good for me.

I started out on the treadmill with the plan of doing a 9% incline for 30 minutes at 4 mph. Well that seemed to slow so I increased it to 4.2. Then after 15 minutes I went to a 12%. I did that for 5 minutes. I felt good so I went back to 9% and increased my speed to 4.5 mph. Then for my last 2 minutes I decided to run. I sprinted at 8 mph. I ended up doing 2.2 miles in 30 minutes.

I am going to count this workout towards my 500 mile because even though it was a walk it was an intense walk.

My headache has subsided for now so I am glad I went.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

One more mile

I did another mile. This was a sprinting mile. I did it on the treadmill and went back and forth between 6 mph and 8 mph every minute. I did a 9 minute mile.

Then I did ab work and stretching.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

New Goal

I need a new goal for this year. The race is done so now I need something else to motivate me.


I have approximately 230 miles left. There are 26 weeks. I have to run about 9 miles a week to meet this goal.

Monday, July 5, 2010

3 miles

I got up and ran 3 miles. I even ran in the rain.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Post 1/2 marathon

Well its been a long few days. Here is a quick summary.

Sunday the race ended at 9:45. We got home. I rested, chatted with my kids and husband then BAM! I was heading for the shower when the entire world started spinning and I couldn't see. I was shaky and nausous. I tried the shower anyway. Not my best plan although I did feel less sweaty. With the help of my husband I headed upstairs and laid down. I assumed dehydration and tried to push fluids. They just made me feel crappier but I kept trying. About 2 hours later I still felt horrible and had a migraine too. I had my husband take me to the ER where they pumped me with fluids.

I learned a few things. Even though I felt like I drank more fluids than normal 13.1 miles is a long way. Second: some gatorades have carmel coloring which I am allergic to which increased the problems.

Since Sunday I have improved a lot and actually feel silly about the whole ordeal. I debated not posting this but I thought I should share my experience and hope that if anyone else is ever in the situation they will know they are not alone.

The rest of the week:

On Monday I could barely walk. My knee was pretty much locked. I am sure this is because I just laid like a lump on a log on Sunday and didn't keep my muscles moving. Tuesday I felt a lot better and even walked to work from the auto shop (.8 miles) and walked back to pick the car up.

Wednesday I ellipticled for 30 minutes and felt fantastic.

Today I am on vacation but I got up and ran for 30 minutes. I didn't calculate the distance because I was more worried about getting my body moving than anything else.

So now I continue to train for my 10K, 8 miler, and whatever else may come along.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

What its all been for

Today was the 1/2 marathon. I was a little nervous going into it because it was storming pretty bad. I was nervous it would either be canceled or we would have to run in the rain. It ended up being perfect weather. The gun went off and the rain stopped. It was nice and cool until the last mile or two.

This race was way better than the 10 miler. I felt good, I was in the right mental state, and I ran well. I ran at least 95% of the time. I ran a little slower but slow and steady is better than pushing it and not being able to complete it. My unofficial time is 2 hours 30 minutes. I keep checking the race site to find out my real time but it has not been posted yet.

I have to admit I didn't see my time when I crossed the finish line cause I was a little teary eyed. I was so happy I was finishing strong and my knees hurt so bad. So my watch is what I have to go by.

Dad did end up running with me and it was very nice. I did listen to my headphones (an audio book) to make sure I was not in my head like the 10 miler so dad and I didn't talk much but it was nice to know he was right there.

And I am already planning to run it again next year. Although I can barely walk right now.

Next month I am not running any races but in August I am doing a 5K with my husband, August I am running the 8 miler I was supposed to do in May, and September I am going to do a 10K. So although the 1/2 marathon has come and gone I am still going to be a runner.

Sitting and waiting

The race starts in an hour. I am waiting for my dad to pick me up. Its storming. Thunder, lightning the whole works. A little nervous. Not to run but because of the weather.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

tomorrow is the big day

Tomorrow at 6:00 am I will be leaving my house for the race. The race begins at 7am and I plan to be at the finish line between 9:15 and 9:30. I really have no idea what my pace will be since I have been al over the place with my times.

I hope that my dad will be running with me but he is still sore from his full marathon he did last Saturday. But if he can't run it at least I have ben training by myself so that part of it won't change.

So if you are in Cedar Falls tomorrow at 9:15 I will see you at the finish line.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Best laid plans of mice and men

Yesterday I was going to take the morning off so that I could run a longer distance than my 3 miles at lunch. Well it rained. A LOT! So I didn't run, not even at lunch.

Today I was going to run for lunch. I forgot socks. I thought about running without socks but I knew that with my luck I would get a blister and with the run in a few days. So I used the recumbent bike - 30 minutes 5.75 miles.

Tomorrow I am going to try to run before work but I will have to see how sleep goes first. If I can't get a run in then I probably won't get one in prior to the race.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Swim and run

At lunch I swam 1/2 a mile. It was nice. Then I ran tonight. I had a meeting so I ran to the meeting. Had an hour long meeting. Then ran home. It was a total of 2.05 miles in 23 minutes. Pretty good.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Errands and running

I am trying to get as many miles as I can this week without overdoing it prior to the race. Today I had errands to run so I literally ran them. I went to the Y, changed to my running stuff, and RAN my errands. I ran 2.61 miles in 28 minutes. And my to do list became shorter.

Tomorrow I plan to swim at lunch. Then I have a meeting after work that if I run to it then I will log two more miles.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

One week left

In one week I am running in the Sturgis Falls 1/2 marathon. Am I ready? I'm gonna have to be.

I ran somewhere around 10 miles today. I don't have a way to get a completely accurate mile count since I ran the trails. I did it in 1:46:20. I really wanted to get 12 miles in but my knees really started to give so I gave up. I would rather not run enough today then not be able to run next week. Then this evening I swam laps at a hotel pool.

On a side note my Dad ran the Grandma's Marathon in Duluth today. He did it in 4 hours 26 minutes. Which is his personal best. YAY Dad! (see his results here) Great Job! Can't wait to run with you next weekend. (and Happy Father's Day too!)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

another crappy run

I did 3 miles at lunch. 2 outside and one inside at the arena. the inside mile was a 10 minute mile. The rest not as great. The total time was 36 minutes.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I walked...

I left work and was so excited to run today. I was going to do 5 miles before dinner. Well I now know that I am a morning runner who is not a fan of the heat. I ran the first 15 minutes then thought I was going to die. I felt like crap. I ended up doing just over 3 miles and it took just about 50 minutes. I think it had to do with a fullish stomach (I didn't eat anything 2 hours before) and the heat. I typically do my best runs right away in the morning after eating a granola bar when the day is still cool.

I am going to try to get up in the morning and run 5 miles.

Update - I did just calculate that in the first 15 minutes that I was running so well I did 1.5 miles. That's pretty good. Also my son did not sleep well last night. Which means I didn't sleep well. So I did not run this morning.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Yesterday I spent the lunch hour doing some serious stretching. I set my watch to 1 minute intervals and held each stretch for that long. I felt 100% better after that 40 minutes of stretching. Today I didn't get a workout in since we were working on our son's room tonight and I had to let the carpet guys in at lunch time.

Tomorrow I am going to run 5 miles. Hopefully I will be running outside but if the weather doesn't cooperate I can always run at the ice arena.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

I can't run faster than rain.

I tired to run the same path I ran on Wednesday but due to the rain I cut out 1/2 mile loop. I did 10.5 miles in 1:56:20. Which is faster than last time since that missing 1/2 mile would not have taken me 10 minutes. The best part is I ran continuously the first 50 minutes. Of course my knee and hip were less than happy with me so my second half of the run was not as good.

Then the rain came. I was not quite 3/4 done with the run when I heard thunder. First I thought it was my music since some of the songs have thunder in their intros. But then I realized I was in a middle of a song that had no thunder. I tried to pick up the pace to beat the rain but I did not make it. However I did make it to my car just as the really hard rain started.

The race is 2 weeks from today. I hope to get a 3 mile run and a 5 mile run in during this next week. Then I will do 12 miles on Saturday or Sunday. Then the following week I will try to get a 10 mile run in one evening plus some 3 mile runs in.

Then the race is on Sunday June 28th. Anyone who wants to meet me at the finish line I should be there by 9:30 am.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

thoughts from the pool

Why is it that I can run a 1/2 mile in 5 or 6 minutes but it takes a 1/2 hour to swim a 1/2 mile?

It just seems odd since when you run just your legs propel you and when you swim its your entire body.

Also why doesn't the smell of chlorine wash from your skin?

Well as you can guess I swam today for my cross-training. I did 1/2 a mile.

A year-to-date summary:
I have run a total of 216.2 miles. 67 of those were in the month of May. WOW. This month I have done 18 miles and it is only the 10th. In January I only ran 22 miles the entire month. Wow what an improvement.

This weekend I intend to run the same route I ran yesterday to see if I can manage any improvement. The race is in 3 weekends. So this weekend I will run 11 miles again. Next weekend I will do 12 miles. Then the race is the following weekend and is 13 miles. I figure if I am able to do 12 what is one more... right?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My day off work

I took the day off like I said in my last post. I woke up and took the kids to daycare. Then drove to the park so I could run. I ended up running just over 11 miles in 2:06:27. A whole mile more in the about the same amount of time as the 10 miler. Yay! The run was pretty good. I ran continuously the fist 30 minutes. The first hour I only walked a total of 10 minutes. The second hour was a little rougher. But I did it and I made good time.

After I ran I went to the store then headed home. I painted my son's room, showered, then cleaned the house. I then did a second coat of paint. I was go go go. I even kept track of the number of times I went up our stairs; 15 times since my run.

Then a church meeting, dinner with the family, and we topped off the day with a walk (1 mile total) to Dairy Queen.

It was a very productive day. It wasn't a dream vacation but I got a lot done and now I am ready for bed (its only 9:45)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


No workout today since I had to take Zoe to the dentist which meant working through lunch. However I have been remodeling my son's room which requires manual labor (painting, rearranging, sanding, etc.) Does that count? Tomorrow I am taking the day off so I am going to try to get 10 miles in then I am painting the rest of the day. Now that I said that's the plan I suppose I have to get up and do it. :-)

Monday, June 7, 2010

I am competitive.

Today I didn't feel like running. Actually for the last week I haven't felt like running. I have been in a funk since the 10 miler. But I ran today. I did 2.32 miles. Not a lot of distance but since I didn't want to be out there I think its pretty good.

About an hour after my run my motivation came back. Some friends ran a 20K this weekend. I saw their speeds. All I can think now is I can do better than that. I know I shouldn't be this competitive, but I am. And hey if it gets me motivated to run again then its worth it.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

I'm not lost I swear!

So life is kinda getting in the way again. Friday was a rest day. With the way my Friday schedule works out it almost has to be that way. Then I was going to do the my waterloo days 5k on Saturday but as I headed out the door it was raining pretty good. And since I had not paid yet I decided I should stay home and run later. Well I should have run then because later never happened. And today is turning out the same way. I hope to get a least a few miles in at some point even if it is not the long run I need to do. Now back to cleaning, yard work, and painting.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Total Body workout

Yesterday my joints needed a change of pace. So I swam 1/2 a mile at lunch time. It felt great. I can feel many of my muscles today. I think I need to get swimming back into my regular routine.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

5 miles

I ran after work today. I knew I needed to more than 3.5 which is about all I can fit in over lunch so I arranged with my husband for some running time. I did 5.1 miles in 59 minutes 50 seconds. So just over a pace of 11.5 minutes per mile. This is a slow pace but I took Dad's advice because, "running slow is a lot better than walking fast". I ran 95% of my run today. I was in the right place mentally too. And I didn't eat anything for 2 hours prior to running. :-)

I also decided to run the My Waterloo Days 5K on Saturday. I need to do something to get in a better mindset after last weekend. A 5k should be a breeze and really boost my confidence and competitive edge. Plus the race is close. To get more miles in I plan to run to the race and home. By taking a direct path its just over 1 mile from my house. Then I will take an indirect path home.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

The goal was to finish

Today I ran the MIssissippi 10 miler in St. Paul with my Dad. It was tough. There were too many variable from my normal running routine that I hit bottom. I am very glad that dad was there to help me get through it because otherwise I may have just gone to the side of the path and taken a nap. Our finish time was 2 hours 5 minutes. 12.5 minute miles. I really was hoping for 11 minute pace or better.

Things I learned. Don't change what you eat in the morning. I normally eat 1/2 a fiber one bar. Today I had a bagle asssuming I needed more power. BAD IDEA. If you are accustome to walking every so many miles then do it. Don't over do it in the beginning. If you walk too much through out the run you will end up with leg craps that make it difficult to start running again.

BUT I FINISHED and that was the goal. Next year dad and I will run it 15 minutes faster. Also I know what I need to change for the 1/2 marathon at the end of June.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

what a crappy run!

I ran over lunch today after two off days. The first off day was on purpose. The second was just due to crappy scheduling. Back to the lunch time run. It was not so great. I did 3.17 miles in 37 minutes 27 seconds. I was achy, tired, and didn't want to complete the run. But I did. I really prefer to run in the morning so I may need to rework my daily schedule.

Monday, May 24, 2010

90º is hot

Today was hot. I still ran though because I need to get some miles in before my race this weekend. I decided that running in the heat will be good prep too since my 1/2 marathon is at the end of June, and while the race is in the morning you never know what the temp. will be. So I ran a large loop with a stop at Young arena. I ran a total of 1.7 miles outside and 2 miles inside for a total of 3.7 miles in 42 minutes and 06 seconds. Pretty good.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Happy Birthday to me.

Today I turn thirty. I was born at 8 am 30 years ago. How did I celebrate? I started running at 8 exactly. I ran 3 miles in 33 minutes and 25 seconds. How do I know to the second how long it took? My husband got me a fantastic digital watch for my birthday. YAY!

In exactly a week I run a 10 mile race with my dad in St. Paul and I am ready.

Friday, May 21, 2010

I kicked 9 mile butt

Yesterday was a non-running day. I stretched, weight trained, and did ab work.

Today I ran 9 miles in 100 minutes. That is the same time it took me to do 8 miles last Saturday. It was a great run. Around mile 6 I started having some issues with tight muscles but all-in-all very impressed with myself!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

As I get older

I really thought that it would be my knees that gave out first as I age. With my family history of knee problems and the aches that I had I was positive. But with my training I have changed my mind. It will be my right hip.

Anyway I ran yesterday at lunch. I got 3.1 miles in.

Monday, May 17, 2010


I ran 2 miles today. I debated whether to run or bike or lift but running won out. So I ran. I didn't want to over do it though so I kept it to 2 miles. I did it in 21 minutes. Pretty good!

On a side note I have learned that my journey has lead to much more than meeting my own goals. My mom told me that I have inspired her to do the lazy man's triathlon. Yay Mom. Then today my cousin told me she is going to train for a 1/2 marathon and that I inspired her. Go Liz! I feel great that my journey has inspired others.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

8 mile run - not race

Last night I was super excited to go and pick up my race packet. While I was still a little apprehensive about my ability to run 8 miles I was ready. I arrived at the designated location to find out that the race has been postponed until August 28th. Grrrr....

Well since I was already in the mind set to run I decided to make my own route. So last night I mapped it out and this morning I ran first thing. I did 8.12 miles in about 110 minutes. A little slow and I wish I could have had some sort of record of my pace per each mile. I averaged 13 minute miles but I know that I started out much stronger than that. By the end my body didn't like me so I walked a majority of miles 6 and 7. But I pushed through and ran the 8th mile.
** Correction I realized that I actually ran the 8 miles in 100 minutes which is an average of 12 minute miles.

A little sore now. I have been trying to stretch and keep moving so I am not hurting too much tomorrow. I even walked about a mile while at a neighborhood wide garage sale. So that makes over 9 miles today.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Last Run...

I did my last run prior to the race. I was able to get a 3.5 mile run in over my lunch break. Tomorrow will be an off day (except for stretching). Then Saturday at 8 am the Lincoln to Lincoln 8. I am pretty confident and very excited.

I hate the treadmill

Yesterday I needed to run. The weather was very crappy. I tried the treadmill at first and made it two minutes and gave up. I then did the elliptical for 30 mins. At that point I was in a better frame of mind so I did a fast mile on the treadmill. actually my fastest yet. 9 minutes 30 seconds. So I didn't run a long distance but I had some good cardio time and I did at least one mile.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Its been one of those days. Yesterday was my day off so I ran errands over lunch. Today was a running day. It didn't happen. I had a church crisis, which required me to go to a meeting rather than run. And our schedules are crazy right now which also meant no running after work either.

Tomorrow is another day. I will get a run in no matter what.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Take Two

Well, I was unable to do my long run yesterday but this morning I made up for it. I woke up early and ran before church. I ran for 70 minutes. I assumed I ran at least 6.5 miles but I was wrong. I did just a hair over 6 miles. I wish I would have mapped my run before I went instead of assuming. You know what happens when you assume.

The run felt pretty good but I was sore when I got home. I tried a new product my Chiropractor recommended. Biofreeze. It really works. It helps with all the aches and pains.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

cold and colder....

I got up and was excited to go running. I got ready and headed out the door. I knew it was 40º so I wore pants and a short sleeve shirt since I knew I would warm up but not enough for shorts. Well I forgot about the wind. It was cold. Too cold. So I did the 3 mile loop. I plan to try it again tomorrow and get at least 6 1/2 miles in. My body was up for the physical part of the run just not the cold part.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Need Help

I am feeling a little nervous about my running. I really was confident until I got hurt. Now I am really scared that I am not going to be able to complete my races. So I am looking for some motivating comments. (Thanks for yours Liz). I need to be in the correct mental state and I can't seem to get past the negative. So I am being needy. HELP ME!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

you were supposed to run 5 miles

I told my daughter that I ran 3 miles (actually 3.1) and she said, "but momma you were supposed to run 5 miles". Everyone is a critic.

Monday, May 3, 2010

running a 5K... or not...

I had a great run today. I ran 90% of the time with basically no pain. I felt like I made great time. Then I got back to work and tried to figure out the distance. It was not a 5k. Tomorrow I will try it again and really run 3.1 miles.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

This weekend

This weekend we were in Muscatine to see my husbands family. The main purpose was for the JDRF walk Friday night. We did a 2.5 mile walk. I was quick. This was a walk not a race but my son was ready to be out of the stroller so I really booked it at the end.

Then on Saturday I went to the Muscatine Arboretum and ran 5.5 miles in about 60 minutes. It felt pretty good and I would have liked to have been up to 7 miles again but I was pretty excited to be where I was. And it was a beautiful run.

I planned to run again today but I was unable to due to lack of sleep. Tomorrow I will run again.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I said I would and I did

I ran at lunch today. 3.17 miles. I did not keep track of time.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Not a run but a great workout

I thought my leg was better but while trying to get the kids out of the door I tweeked it again today. I didn't want to give into it though. So I went to the Y and did the elliptical for 25 minutes. The movement made me feel pretty good so I did 5 sets of 30 second toe taps. I was re-living my soccer days.

Tomorrow I will run. I am getting a little nervous about my 8 mile race in 2 1/2 weeks and my 10 mile race two weeks later. But I am just going to keep focusing on my training and not let the pulled muscle get the best of me.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Running has been beneficial for me. It has helped me mentally and physically. Here is a little proof. The first two pictures are of my first child at 6 months. The last are when my second child is not quite 6 months old. A big difference. I have more energy. I feel better about myself. I can't wait to see how I feel and look after the 1/2 marathon.

Running; oh how I have missed you.

I have not run in a week due to my injury. Today I did it though. I ran 4.19 miles in 48 mins which is about 11.4 minute miles. I had to walk more than I wanted but all-in-all it was a great run. My favorite part was the quiet time. I enjoy the physical part but the best is the time just for me.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


All I did today was stretch for about a 1/2 hour. I also have been doing some additional stretches every night that the chiropractor gave me. I plan to try running again on Friday.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Stupid injury. I tried to run. Made it a 1/2 mile and had to walk back. I did a lot of stretching then. hopefully this improves soon since I have a race in less than a month.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


This weekend we went to Iowa State University for the yearly Veishea celebration. We had a blast with friends and visiting our favorite places. Then today I toured campus as I ran all my old routes to classes. I ran approximately 3.5 miles in 40 minutes or so. I wanted to do more and I wish that I ran the whole time but I am still healing from my groin injury. It was amazing to see the campus and enjoy the views. I wish that I had enjoyed running when I was in school because by far campus has been the best running location and wish I could run there more often.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


On Saturday I ran 7.2 miles. My legs didn't like it. I thought it was just from running farther than I ever have in my life. I was wrong. I have a groin pull. So what did I do? I took Sunday off. I thought this will be enough. I ran 2 miles on Monday. It actually felt pretty good, I took it slow. Then Tuesday came. Still felt a little tenderness so I was going to lift, stretch and do abs. But then 2 of the guys at the Y convinced me to run with them. I kept up for a little while. Then fell behind because of my pace and my injury. But I ran a total of 3.1 miles (with a little walking). I felt it. But what did I do? I played tag with my daughter that night. Started hurting more. The final straw? I picked up my 6 1/2 month old in his exer-saucer and thought I was going to cry in pain. EVERY MUSCLE THAT CONNECTS MY LEG TO THE REST OF ME HURTS!

Moral of the story?

If something hurts take it easy. If you don't it could get worse.

At least I am currently ahead of schedule in my training. So when I can run again (hopefully Sunday) I will right on schedule.

Monday, April 12, 2010

2 miles

I did a two mile run today. I managed to pull something on Sunday so I took it easy today.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

I had to push myself

Today was rough. I ran 7.2 miles but it was a struggle. I had the stamina, I had the right mindset, I did not have the legs. They just didn't want to do it, but even with the needed walking I did it in 80 minutes. (11.11 minutes per mile)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Abs and arms and stretching

The title sums it up. I did ab work then some free weights and finally a lot of stretching.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

It was crappy weather but I did it.

Today was rainy, gloomy, and wet. My husband and I had planned to run together at lunch but decided with the weather we probably shouldn't. So he stayed at work to get stuff done and I headed to the Y for an indoor workout. I knew that with our crazy schedules the next two weeks I needed to get a run in. I decided I would have to do the treadmill. As I was changing I realized I had a long sleeve shirt in my bag. That was enough to convince me that a run outside was in order. I ran 3.4 miles. It wasn't bad out at all. The best part NO TREADMILL.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

6 and a 1/2

Today I got up and ran. I did 6 1/2 miles in 70 minutes. Pretty darn good. It felt great too!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Today's workout

I didn't want to go to the Y but I did.

I got there for my lunch hour work out. I changed into my work out clothes.

I called my husband to see where he was.

I changed back into my regular clothes.

I went to lunch with my husband.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

March Summary

March was a great training month.

I reached 100 miles before the end of the month. Actually 100.89 miles.

I worked out regularly even with the tendonitis diagnosis.

And the family has spent a lot more time outside and being active.

Goals for April and May...

I need to add more miles.
I need to spend more time outside
I need to stretch more and work on my abdominal muscles - the core

I also have a few races planned:
There are a few races I haven't decided on. Earth Day 5k and the Run Like a Mother 4 mile
I am doing the following:
The Lincoln to Lincoln 8 mile
St. Paul 10 mile race

I think I am an addict.

Today was a stretching and abdominal day.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

100 miles

Tonight I ran 6 miles bringing my total for the year to 100 miles!

The run was hard. I have heard that running is 10% physical and 90% mental. I agree. My brain was not in it and it made my run so much harder.

Then to end the day the family and I walked .5 miles to Dairy Queen. Ate ice cream then walked .5 miles back home.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Yay Husband!

Today I did a 3.17 mile over lunch. AND my husband ran with me. We averaged about a 12 minute mile which is pretty darn good since he hasn't been running like I have.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

6 miles

I did 6 miles this morning in just over 1 hour. The run was pretty after I got past the first 2 miles. For some reason the first 2 miles are always the hardest then it gets easier and easier. By the end of the run I felt like I could have done more.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Fool's 5k - March 27th

Official results:

Time: 30:57.7

Pace 9:59

Overall place: 264 (There were around 500)

Age group place: 27

The picture is from before I left. I went to the race alone so I don't have a during or after picture

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Today was a non-running day. I did some weight training, ab work, and a lot of stretching.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I love running. Today is the day that it happened. I started out for a 4 mile run tonight and as I ran I kept thinking about how great it felt. During my previous runs all I thought about was how much time or distance was left so that I could stop running. Today I kept calculating how I could add miles to my run. So instead of a 4 miles, I ended up running 5.5 miles. I even would have run further if I didn't feel like I need to get home to the family. So today I decided I love running, ran the furthest I ever have, and can't wait for my next run.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A few more calories

While grilling dinner my daughter and I jumped rope. She did a few jumps. I did 100.

Cross Training

Today was abs and lifting. I did various ab exercises that will probably hurt tomorrow. Then I did a series of strength training exercises including bench presses. I haven't done those since my son was born 6 months ago so I am glad I took the time to start up again.

Monday, March 22, 2010

3.45 miles

Today I ran 3.4 miles in 34 minutes. I came up with a route on the following website: I knew about how far I wanted to go so I just kept changing the route until I found a good route and the right distance. The run felt great and will do the same thing (different route) again on Wednesday. Tomorrow will be cross training.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Since Thursday

I did not get a run in on Friday.

Saturday we drove to Sioux Falls so no run. I did however go for a "swim" with my daughter.

Today I needed to do something so I ran 2 miles on the treadmill at the hotel.

Tomorrow will be better.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

walk not run

I am home with the kids today so I won't get a run in, which isn't all that bad since I have a "tickle" in my throat. Guess that happens when everyone around me is sick.

However its so nice outside I couldn't waste it. I bundled the little guy up and took the kids for a mile walk. My 3 year-old even walked and or scootered the whole way herself. Pretty proud of her.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Dreadmill... I mean treadmill

I am not a fan of the treadmill. I try to run my three miles and I just can do it. I also think that's what wrong with my feet. It must be my form on the treadmill because after 1/2 mile my feet were killing me. Yet I ran 3 miles outside just 2 days before with NO PAIN. Also the treadmill is boring. So today on the treadmill I only ran 1.6 miles and then did ab work. Tomorrow I want to run outside but it probably won't happen since I have to stay home with the kids. (the sitter is sick and my husband stayed home today so now its my turn)

Monday, March 15, 2010

extra steps

I work at a job I love, however this means sitting at a desk for many hours in a day. So I need to get as many extra steps in that I can each day. Therefor I try to take 1 or 2 walks during the day, typically over the river and back. Well I finally looked at this website dad told me about to track the distances I run ( and mapped the walk. I found out today that I am walking .8 to 1 mile depending on which route I choose. Pretty cool. I now know that I get around 2 miles in when I am just stretching my legs and getting fresh air. Not bad.

As for my lunchtime workout - I ran 3.17 miles outside in 34 minutes. I am so glad spring is here.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Today I did my first outdoor run. It was a different experience but it felt great. I did 5 miles in a little over 55 minutes (I really should get a watch with a stopwatch feature). I had to walk some and pause for traffic. The hills and wind were a new experience but I seemed to do just fine. My foot hurts a little so I will need to do lots of stretching throughout the day but its worth it.

Welcome Spring. I am glad you are here.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

exercise junkie

Went to the Y again today. I biked for 28 minutes on the weight loss mode (over 5 miles) then stretched and did some more core work.

I was going to make this my off day but the gym beckoned. I may take tomorrow off. I have sick kid so we will see what the day brings forth.

2 times

I worked out twice yesterday. At noon I did some weight training and then some work on my core. Which is sore today. The good kind of sore where you know you worked the muscles. Then after work I went to the arena and ran 3 miles in 31 minutes. And my feet felt great.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

same thing...

I stretched, ran a mile, stretched, ran a mile, stretched, biked for 5 mins a 4 resistance, stretched. My foot hurt pretty bad by the end of mile one but the additional stretching made mile 2 feel pretty good.

Monday, March 8, 2010

I'm back....

Well kinda.

I stretched. I ran a mile. I stretched. I ran a mile. I stretched. It felt good but I am glad I took it slow.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

I'm here... I swear.

Still dealing with the tendonitis. Also had to have a small procedure done that limits my activity for a few more days. I had hoped to run a few miles tomorrow to try out my new shoes but I just saw that the Arena schedule says they are closed. :-( Maybe I can run outside...its supposed to be nice.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I rode the recumbent bike for 28 minutes for a distance of 5 miles


Yup I went to the Doctor... He says I have Tendonitis in my foot. I dealt with this in high school too. But it should be easy to deal with. He said no running this week, Sunday maybe. Cross training is okay just no impact stuff. Stretch more. Which is all I did yesterday for my noon workout. And finally new shoes with a lot of arch support.

Monday, March 1, 2010


February was a pretty good month. I ran 32.45 miles which is 10 more than in January. Pretty good since I was sick for part of the month. Not only that I managed to run some of those miles at a 9 minute mile pace. Fastest ever for me. I also ran the farthest I have ever run. To start the month I ran 4 miles and to end the month 5 miles, which is the farthest I have run in my life.

So next month I need to run 7 miles and complete a 5K race. The 5K should be simple but I hope to do it at a good pace.

The negative - My left foot has problems. The side is bruised and it hurts to walk. It started after my 5 mile run. Not sure what's wrong...

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Running with Dad

Went running with my dad today. 5 miles. 55 minutes and 12 seconds.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Cross Train

Today I biked for 30 minutes. I did the weight loss mode (changes from 1 resistance to 4 every 4 minutes) I was able to do 6 miles.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Running in pairs

So I am a solo runner. Not because I want to run by myself and have deep thoughts. Its just how it works. Well today I was running at young arena and my friend (a personal trainer) was there too. So she ran with me for a while. Boy did she push me. I ended up doing 3 miles in 30 minutes. WOW! Can't wait to run with dad this weekend and see how we do together.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A nice walk

I have been sick. Yesterday I didn't go to work so of course I didn't work out either. So today I did a nice brisk 20 minute walk at the arena. Something is better than nothing.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Stupid Stomach!

I have been feeling crappy all week but thought I was doing better so I left for the arena to run. I made it to lap 12 (7 laps = 1 mile) before my stomach revolted. So much for 5 miles. But at least I tried. I will try again tomorrow after work.

The fun thing is I got a lap tracker. You know... one of those metal clicker things. Now I have no excuses not to run the proper amount of laps.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Plans Change

Today I was going to do the P90x class although I wasn't sure my body could take it. Well I had an 11:00 meeting so I took my gym bag with. Didn't get out in time for class but since I had my bag I went to the Y anyway. I did a simple workout of circuit training (legs only), pushups, planks, and ab work. Then a lot of stretching since I am a little sore from my run yesterday. All in all I'm glad that I went and glad that I know I didn't over do it.

Also I signed up for the Fool's 5K on March 27th. Pretty excited.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


I ran 3 1/2 miles after work today at the arena. So much better than the treadmill. I did it in 38 minutes. Which means I ran a little faster today than the last time at the arena.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Should I workout when I am sick?

The question for this week is should I or shouldn't I work out when I am sick. Part of me says yes it will make me feel better. The other part says no, rest and feel better. I have opted to not workout. If I had a head cold I would workout and clear the sinuses but I don't know what I have. I just know that for the past two days my body has been achy and shaky. So here I sit at my desk over the noon hour feeling crappy and guilty.

Monday, February 15, 2010


I ran today and it felt great. I did 3 miles in 32 minutes. For the first time running on the treadmill was not so bad. I cranked up the music and went crazy.

On another note. I completely avoided the candy bowl today.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

I've been bad

This week has been another one of those where workouts just didn't fit in. But I didn't just sit on my bum. We spent time sledding, I did some sewing, and I have had meetings galore. But I think it was good that I had to take a bit of a break. My knees have been killing me but they are feeling better so tomorrow we will start again.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Tired... just so tired...

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Today was a tough trying to get my workout in. Due to the weather the Y was closed so I couldn't do my normal workout. But I decided I was going to workout no matter what. So I went to Young Arena to run. I wanted to do run my 3 1/2 miles as scheduled but I couldn't because work was too busy. I got my 2 1/2 miles in though and something is better than nothing.

Monday, February 8, 2010


Today was a stretching and strength training day. So I ran a quick 10 minute mile, then I stretched like crazy, and then did lifting focusing on my legs

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Today I ran my 4 miles. I have no idea how fast or slow I ran but I do know that I was gone from the house exactly 1 hour. And that includes driving to the arena, changing shoes, running, stretching, and driving home. So I did pretty good.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


I am glad I did 3 miles yesterday. Today was supposed to be a 3 mile day but I had a side stitch/pain on my right side and only got a .75 mile in before I gave up. I didn't completely give up though. I opted to ride the recumbent bike for 28 mins on the weight loss mode. Not the original plan but it still works.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Today I was supposed to do either a 2 mile run or 30 mins of cross-training. I couldn't go to the Y during lunch due to a meeting. But I decided this is a no excuse day. I went to Young arena after work to run. I decided I would do my 2 miles then get home to make dinner. I did it in 21 minutes. Then I decided that since I felt good I would just run 30 minutes. I finished 30 mins and realized if I did just two more laps I would have 3 miles done. So I ran 3 miles.

I think that Young Arena is a lot better than running on the treadmill. My run was so easy and I think its because there are things to look at and my pace is not forced by the treadmill. I may have to run at the arena more often. But even better I can't wait until its a little warmer to run outside.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I did my 3 mile run today in 34 mins. I just couldn't seem to decide the right pace and kept changing it on the treadmill. Even though I ran faster than normal at times I inadvertently ran slower overall.

So after yesterdays frustrations I decided to take a look at exactly what I have accomplished so far. The answer a total of 27 and 1/2 miles. Not bad for someone who could barely run 5 mins straight when I started.

Monday, February 1, 2010


I am frustrated with myself, with the Y, and with my schedule.

About two weeks ago my husband told me that he didn't think I could do the 1/2 marathon. It was during a simple conversation about a several different things. He wasn't trying to be mean our doubtful he's just concerned that with our schedules and two young kids I won't be able to get all my training in. At first this made me work harder but after the last few days I realize that he may be right. At least this week. I didn't get my run in on Sunday. Then today I thought I could get it done today instead of my stretching and strengthening. Well that didn't happen either because I had to get my new Y pass and it took so long that I couldn't get much of a workout in and make it back to work at a decent time. I did get a 2 mile run.

I should look at the positives though. I am stubborn. If someone thinks I can't; I will. And as for the run today... at least I got to the Y instead of just skipping. Tomorrow is another day.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

This weekend

This weekend has been a mini mommy vacation. I had an opportunity to go to a quilt weekend and have some time doing what I love just for me. But this quilt weekend meant a lot of eating and no exercising. But the weekend is not over. Tomorrow is Sunday so I still have the opportunity to do my long run for the week. The only training I really missed having this weekend vacation is my 30 mins of cross-training on Saturday.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Not sure if I will be able to do the 1/2 marathon

Not for the reasons you may think.

I don't think the running will be a problem because I have been progressing very nicely. Today I did my 3 miles in 32 minutes. I am more concerned about how famished I am after just 3 miles. I am afraid my stomach will start eating itself after mile 6.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Yesterday I missed my run. I was home with our little boy cause he was "sick". (he had a reaction to his 4 mos shots and had a fever) I had planned on running in the evening but by the time I would be able to go it was too late. I know I shouldn't make excuses but its what happens. Today however I did get my cross training in by taking the cross fit extreme class. Good workout today and tomorrow I will get a run done.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Stretch and strengthen day

I did the cross-fit extreme class.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

4 miles

Today I did my 4 mile run. I was anxious to do the run for various reasons. The first being I have never run that far before. The second it would not only be my longest run it would be the first non-treadmill run (since I started training). It went well though. I ran at Young Arena. I did it in 44 minutes. Not bad. I guess my natural pace is faster than what I have been doing on the treadmill.

On Friday I did the cross-fit class. It was an interval workout. I took Saturday off. Tomorrow back to the cross-fit class.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

I did it.

Yesterday I did the Cross Fit Extreme class (just like P90X) and today my muscles are killing me. But even though it hurts to stand and sit I still made it to the Y and ran my required 3 miles. I ran it in 35:44.

I am also supposed to strength train today but there is never enough time. So I think instead of resting tomorrow I will do the class again and then rest on Saturday. Then Sunday I am supposed to do a 4 mile run.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I try to eat healthy and focus on good nutrition but I don't always succeed. I lack self control when treats are brought into the office. I can never have just one. When chocolate is brought in I am ecstatic. The reason may surprise you. I am allergic. Which means I don't have to have self-control the chocolate does it for me.

Self-control is not my only food issue. I don't always make ideal choices. When we go out to eat I ALWAYS veer towards the meals that come with fries. Fries are my downfall. I know that ordering fries is not a bad thing but it isn't good that I ALWAYS order them.

I know that to run the 1/2 marathon and meet my other future goals (see my kids get married, maybe a triathlon or a full marathon) I need to focus on my health. Therefor I have been working on making some life changes. The first change was my exercising. Now I am focusing on my nutrition.

These are some of the life changes (not a diet) I am trying to incorporate:

• eat a fruit and/or veggie with every lunch and dinner. Ideally both but sometimes thats just not possible.

• Drink more water.

• Focus on lean proteins, fruits, veggies, and whole grains as snacks. At work I always have a morning and afternoon snack. Those snacks are one of the following:

- hard boiled egg and fruit

- Pretzles

- yogurt with granola

- nuts

- apple or banana

- raw veggies with ranch dressing

- english muffin or frozen waffle with peanut butter or honey

- and my most recent favorite: a whole grain wrap with peanut butter, honey, and apple or banana slices.

• Eat Breakfast

• Eat dinner at the table. Until recently we were eating dinner in the living room in front of the tv. This is not good for any of us. It makes us eat in a hurry not focusing on what or how much we are eating. At the table we are focusing not only on what we eat but our family too. Eating at the table has also been shown to minimize the amount of food that you eat, helps digestion (you eat slower), and helps families bond.

• Finally one of the simplest yet most difficult - AVOID THE OFFICE CANDY DISH.

These are just a few steps I can take to be healthier and ensure that I have the proper "fuel" to make it through the day. None of these steps can be considered a diet they are simple "rules" that will aid in making better choices most of the time. And none of them force me to deprive myself of the things that I love. I can still order fries, I just should get a side salad too.

So there you have it my thoughts on nutrition and how I plan to work towards a better diet.

PS I did my 3 mile run today - however I missed my 4 mile run on Sunday.

Reference: These are some of the places that I got my info to help me make better choices.

Friday, January 15, 2010


First off - wow I worked out everyday this week!

Second of all - Wow I had a tough workout today. I did a class a the Y which was based on the P90x program. It focused on arms but worked all of my muscles. I felt like it was my first work out ever. It felt great!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day 4

Today I was supposed to run 3 miles and do strength training. Well I started running and realized my calf was super tight. So I stopped and stretched. I made it to the one mile mark and had to stretch again. I ran another mile and had to call it quits. So I got 2 miles done. Better than nothing. I think tonight I will spend some time doing more stretches to keep the muscles loose.

As for the strength training I am saving it for tomorrow. Tomorrow is supposed to be my rest day but I have been roped into trying this exercise class call cross fit extreme. So I plan to do that. Hopefully I am still able to move when I am done. I have heard stories about the class.

Also, I figure that the training is a guide. I know that between work and two small children I will not be able to get every day of the training done perfectly. But I am starting it at 24 weeks instead of 12 and I know that I can manipulate the schedule and my week to accomplish what is required just in my own way.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day Three

The day three of the training allows for either a 2 mile run or cross-training. I didn't want to run. I didn't even want to work out. So I decided to bike on the recumbent for 30 mins. I did 5 miles on the weight loss mode.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I did day 2 of the training... 3 mile run. I accomplished it in 36:24 minutes.

Monday, January 11, 2010

First day of training

Today I did my first day of training. Monday means stretching and strengthening. Therefor I did the circuit weights, stretching, and a lot of work on my core. Tomorrow should be a challenge.... 3 mile run.

The attached link is the program I intend to follow. It is a 12 week program so I plan to do each week two times.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

The rest of the week

This was another week effected by weather. Wednesday I had a meeting but figured it was fine cause I could go the Y on Thursday and Friday. Well the Y was closed due to weather on Thursday so I didn't make it there. But I did get there on Friday and ran for 20 mins. I had an appt at 1 so I could only get a quick workout in.

I did get some exercise equipment for Christmas that I need to start using on the days I can't go to the Y.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Today I got to the Y and planned on running a mile and then doing some strength training. Well I guess its good that I was planning on doing more than just running today. All of the cardio machines were full. So starts the crazy month of January and everyone's new years resolutions.

So I did a lot of ab work. - leg lifts, planks, crunches, and an exercise that my dad showed my daughter this weekend. Then I did some free weights. One of the girls at the Y told me about a new strength training exercise. Its a 3 minute routine where you stand with your arms straight and curl low weight dumbbells for one minute from straight to 90º. Then for minute 2 you curl from 90º to your shoulders. The final minute you do the whole move - straight to shoulders. I was only using 5 lbs weights and I was hurting 1/2 way through.

I did run for 5 minutes at the end just to get my muscles moving since they were sore from yesterday. I ran part of the time at 5.5 mph and the rest at 6 mph.

Starting next week I plan to start a training plan I found online. Its for a 12 week period but I figure I can do each week twice.

Monday, January 4, 2010

A new year....

Today I ran... I did 30 minutes at 5 mph. I've come a long way in a short time. When I started this journey I could barely do 5 mins at 4 mph....

So today I met short term goal #2. Next is the equivalent of a 5 K.

Just 25 weeks until the 1/2 marathon, the holidays are over, time for some serious training.