Thursday, June 24, 2010

Best laid plans of mice and men

Yesterday I was going to take the morning off so that I could run a longer distance than my 3 miles at lunch. Well it rained. A LOT! So I didn't run, not even at lunch.

Today I was going to run for lunch. I forgot socks. I thought about running without socks but I knew that with my luck I would get a blister and with the run in a few days. So I used the recumbent bike - 30 minutes 5.75 miles.

Tomorrow I am going to try to run before work but I will have to see how sleep goes first. If I can't get a run in then I probably won't get one in prior to the race.

1 comment:

  1. Oh well, at least you are not suffering from the sore hip your dad has! You will do fine! See you at the start line!
